The Treatment: David O. Russell


David O. Russel is a film writer/director who has recently released the highly acclaimed film titled Silver Linings Playbook. Prior to this, he is also well known for directing the Oscar-winning film The Fighter (2010). The following blog is a brief summary of an interview conducted by KCRW in regards to Silver Linings Playbook which was conducted on December 12, 2012.

Silver Linings Playbook stars Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence


- First and foremost I'd like to state that I am so glad I heard this interview. Listening to this was almost like listening to a message from God. Instead of talking about the usual hollywood jibber-jabber of technicalities an the life of glam, David O. Russell discussed the value of struggle in life. After winning Sundance and directing three critically-acclaimed films, David talks about a time in his life where he was lost. Despite all his success, despite all of his acclaim, despite all of his wealth; he hit a point in his career where he just felt lost. In my opinion, this is human essence in it's truest form. Hearing David talk about all of this felt very real; ironically it felt so real that the interview seemed almost surreal. If I had only one word to describe what I thought of David's character i'd use the word "real". After listening to this interview and hearing all that he had to say about Silver Linings Playbook, it is evident that he is a man that seeks to illustrate the reality of realness and raw human emotion in not only his own life but in this film as well. Interestingly enough, one of the reasons why David decided to adapt this film for the screen was because it revolved around a protagonist who suffered from bipolar disorder; a mental illness that his own son possesses. He goes on to state that this movie became a way of telling his son's story, his difficulties, and his emotional experiences. With this in mind, he goes on to discuss how the most important aspect to this film isn't the plot. Instead it's the rawness of the characters, their interactions, their feelings, and their ways of dealing with the problems that lay before them. This is a value that I feel more of hollywood should come to acknowledge. I want to see more movies like this. I want to see something real, a plot based around characters instead of the characters being placed around the plot. Although I did see and love the film Silver Linings Playbook, I was never a fan of David O. Russell until now. He's an amazing director and a seemingly amazing human being who understands the value of emotion.


"If you have a period where you got a little lost, sometimes that's a good thing. I think if you keep working you can find your way out of it".

-  Early in the interview David states this quote. In my opinion, this is a quote of reality and inspiration. Currently I'm at a crossroads in my life and I feel lost. For me, this feeling usually results in becoming unmotivated and giving up. Right now, i've been managing to control those feelings and i've continued to push myself forward on the path of turning my own filmmaking dreams into realities. Hearing David, a very successful writer and director, say that he became lost even after all of his successes is not only jawdropping, but it also sort of smacks reality into my consciousness. You come to realize that life is a series of successes and loses. It's a cycle of ups and downs and the key to being lost is to "keep working [until] you can find your way out of it."

"I think I suffered from being too ponderous. [I was] just over thinking the things I was working on and not being instinctive enough... If you're not coming from the gut or heart enough then you'll be too ponderous."

- This is yet another motivational quote that is easily applicable to my own personal life. I am the type of person that tends to over-think everything, almost as though seeking satisfaction through it's process. Basically "What if?" questions tend to run my mind when making any kind of decision even the ones that are supposed to be spawned out of creativity. I definitely do agree what David has to say about this issue. The best work of any category is always work that is illuminated by the heart. It's work that is truly reflected from the soul of the artist. In conclusion, this quote not only instills inspiration within myself but it also serves as a good mental note to advise me on any kind of creative project that I decide to take on in the future.

"'s so human. It's so raw."

- Lastly, this quote is stated in regards to the characters and casting in the film Silver Linings Playbook. Throughout the interview David discusses the importance of showing humanity in a raw fashion. He talks about many of the actors having strong ties to the characters being played and he discusses how he crafted the film in such a way that it's almost as if the audience is just simply watching the lives of ordinary human beings unfold. I feel that this rawness is what works in his favor. His films are able to touch the hearts in it's audience in a way that isn't typical. Instead of utilizing immense amounts of drama as most films nowadays do, he simply focuses on deep characterization to bond with the emotions that lay dormant within the audience. It's no wonder why his last two films have seen tremendous success in the eyes of both audience and critics.

David O. Russell, Bradley Cooper, and Robert DeNiro

I'd like to conclude this blog post encouraging anyone chasing a dream to go read bio's and interviews with or about successful people. Gaining insight into the lives and minds of successful people will definitely assist and encourage you on your own path to success. This interview and David's story has impacted me in a positive way and has definitely strengthened my drive to pursue my dreams.